Massage Therapy

Massage for elderly clients is a natural solution to many ailments associated with the ageing process and has proven to be an effective complimentary therapy to assist and improve the efficacy of conventional treatments.

Regular massage therapy can assist the desire to be active, get the most out of life and promote the harmonious union of mind and body.

Neurospace offers massage therapy that is catered to the older client. Pressure is applied differently and great sensitivity shown to the client’s feedback to ensure the massage is comfortable, as well as effective.

For the older client:
  • Massage can assist in arthritic pain management.  It promotes natural joint lubrication, which is important for arthritis sufferers.
  • Massage can improve the range of motion and enhance the ability to perform the activities of daily living. This in turn can lead to increased independence and a higher quality of life.
  • Massage can help to increase strength and muscle coordination.
  • Massage can also improve posture by reducing muscle tension. This has the added benefit of contributing to improved rest such as sleeping deeper and longer. This in turn can have a positive effect on general health and wellbeing.
  • Massage can also have a profound calming effect and this can assist clients to deal with medical interventions they may need to experience in dealing with various conditions.
  • Massage can contribute towards improved circulation of both lymph and blood and this can help clients recover more quickly following injuries.
  • Massage therapy also helps reduce inflammation-related pain around your joints, which promotes the restoration of your full range of joint motion.
  • Massage therapy can assist in the reduction of anxiety, depression, stress and loneliness, and can improve self-confidence. Human contact can help promote a sense of belonging and friendship.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Is a gentle, non-invasive manual technique developed in France in 1932. The trained therapist uses a specific pressure, direction and speed to enhance recovery and to facilitate drainage. As result MLD reduces swelling and takes pressure of pain receptors. Post-surgery manual lymphatic drainage speeds up recovery time by increasing circulation and range of movement.

MLD can be utilized in the treatment of many different conditions:

  • Primary and Secondary Lymphedema
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Non-infected inflammatory conditions (e.g. sprains and strains)
  • Ulceration
  • Circulatory disturbances
  • Sports injuries
  • Mastectomy
  • Post- surgery