Neurospace and the NDIS

Neurospace and the NDIS 1024 712 Neurospace

Neurospace started in 2008, well before NDIS was happening.  We have gradually grown to be a team of over 20 people.  The team includes a diverse range of skills and people that enjoy working together to get the best outcome for all.  Most of our clients would work with at least 2 or more team members to improve outcomes and create Benefits for Life.

The NDIS was bought to Canberra last year, and we have been engulfed as a trial site.  The positives of this is that people in Canberra have had early access to some funding to get the care they need.   Over this time the team at NDIS planning office has been learning things such as funding allocation, suppliers and working with the consumers. The job for them has been enormous to train their staff and decide on workable models of care and provision.  For a brand new system while it is far from perfect the team there is doing an amazing job in a complex new space.  For our Neurospace team, over the last 18 months we have been learning to work with NDIS plans, writing reports in different formats, helping to plan realistic goals in chronic conditions and helping to get the best result for the funding given.  We have also had to develop new processes in our administration and accounting area. Over this time at Neurospace, we are proud to have grown further in our skills, abilities and team work to work with people with these complex health needs.

While the value of rehabilitation and exercise has been well recognized post stroke and brain injury in the first year post acquiring; and in Parkinson’s and MS (all who have been seen with NDIS funding), the outcomes for quality of life are being seen also for those who have long standing disabilities and received minimal intervention for 10 or more years such as cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and older stroke.  Specialised assessment of the underlying muscle weaknesses, motor control and learning style and applying this to movement and speech difficulties means we can create a targeted plan to improve overall function and independence.  In addition, skilled assessment of the person’s environment and adaptive equipment that will further enhance a person’s skill has shown to make a significant difference to the ability to stay active in the community or to improve ease of care of the person in their home.

Neurospace has grown along with the NDIS, we promote holistic care, empowering you to make choices for your best outcome.